I'm a fool, may be

All right here it goes. I tend to stay away from the toxic vibes some people seem to breath and thrive on. I admit, I probably cut those in the limelight a lot of slack for which I have nothing to gain. I am not in any of their pockets but I still try to look at them fairly and not let their fame and fortune draw hate out of me. But I have to sincerely address the dark hatred filled words that people seem to love to hurl at stars. People, believe me please, That kind of rhetoric can in no way shape or form be helpful to YOU. All the drugs, pills, alcohol, risky behavior that often accompanies the lives of haters is not by accident. There is no actual way to be an undercover or blatantly proud hater and be of sound mind and body. More than your physical self, we all have a spiritual life that suffers greatly from harboring jealous, spiteful mind-states. You may think your only joking or internet comments are just for fun, but a truly conscience person can see the stink all over you. Granted, it is easy to knock down people who are sometimes too full of their self, but believe you me, your going to feel the fall way before they do. I'm not trying to over preach here but I am trying to help those that may really be ignorant to what toxic speech and thought can do to your physical and spiritual self. As corny and cliche as it may sound, I'm going to pray for you when I'm praying for myself. STOP WITH THE F*CKING HATE, it is so transparent and cheesy.

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