Nicki Minaj - Fly ft. Rihanna

Rhymes with Snitch | Entertainment News | Celebrity Gossip: Beyonce Wants a Big Family

Rhymes with Snitch | Entertainment News | Celebrity Gossip: Beyonce Wants a Big Family: In a recent interview Beyonce admits wanting a large family and hopes to be done having children by the time she turns 40...

Kim Kardashian and Mom Kris Spreading Goodwill

Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner focus on their charity mission in Haiti.
Kim Kardashian has put her personal life on the back burner and is embracing her humanitarian side.

Late last week, the reality TV star flew to Haiti with the charity group We Advance to give back to those in need.

Joining her was mom Kris Jenner and Prime Suspect star Maria Bello, who is a co-founder of the organization.

"They went to celebrate the women in Haiti," a source close to the Kardashians tells Life & Style.
And the group took part in many events during their stay.

"They visited the Artists for Peace & Justice School, replenished supplies at the We Advance clinics, attended a Haitian fashion show put on by local women and designers, and joined Sow a Seed for their annual Christmas party -- bringing joy and holiday gifts to 500 orphans from across the island," the source says.

According to their website, We Advance "is a movement to advance the health, safety, and well-being of women throughout Haiti."

Kim, who is currently going through a divorce from Kris Humphries, made the trip to support the group.
Jacked from Life & Style
rejacked by good gossip!

Rhymes with Snitch | Entertainment News | Celebrity Gossip: Haitian Journalist Detained During Oprah Visit

She is still working hard. Good to see.
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I'm a fool, may be

All right here it goes. I tend to stay away from the toxic vibes some people seem to breath and thrive on. I admit, I probably cut those in the limelight a lot of slack for which I have nothing to gain. I am not in any of their pockets but I still try to look at them fairly and not let their fame and fortune draw hate out of me. But I have to sincerely address the dark hatred filled words that people seem to love to hurl at stars. People, believe me please, That kind of rhetoric can in no way shape or form be helpful to YOU. All the drugs, pills, alcohol, risky behavior that often accompanies the lives of haters is not by accident. There is no actual way to be an undercover or blatantly proud hater and be of sound mind and body. More than your physical self, we all have a spiritual life that suffers greatly from harboring jealous, spiteful mind-states. You may think your only joking or internet comments are just for fun, but a truly conscience person can see the stink all over you. Granted, it is easy to knock down people who are sometimes too full of their self, but believe you me, your going to feel the fall way before they do. I'm not trying to over preach here but I am trying to help those that may really be ignorant to what toxic speech and thought can do to your physical and spiritual self. As corny and cliche as it may sound, I'm going to pray for you when I'm praying for myself. STOP WITH THE F*CKING HATE, it is so transparent and cheesy.

Nicki Minaj & Katy Perry Barbie Dolls

Here's a look at these dolls. From what I understand, these are one off's that will be auctioned off and all the proceeds go to charity.

Rural Kentucky church revisits ban on interracial couples

Rural Kentucky church revisits ban on interracial couples

Wyclef Honored

John Carter Trailer

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Here's Another Reason Why We Love Florida - WENDYISTA

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So, as you probably can tell, this is an older story. Truth be told, there are some pictures attached to the story that I did not want to lose track of. Ahem... : )

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Welcome to our blog

So it may be very obvious that I wanted to start this journey off in an exciting and refreshing way. Do not fret ladies. I will put some eye candy up for you too, but you may have to give me suggestions. I am sort of an expert on ladies only. So where is this journey leading to? Honestly, I am going to have to ask you to trust me. Since this journey is online, you have a lot of control on when and how you jump off this ship. I'm hoping you will at least give me a chance to show you what I have in mind. Thanks for the visit! Let's Go!

Artooca Ditoona
Editor at Large

Miss Kalia Williams
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